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- /* GetAdresses.rexx v1.1 - 05-Feb-97
- ** Check http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html for more scripts for YAM!
- */
- options results
- addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30)
- NL='0a'x
- scrn='' /* Name of YAM's screen where the requester appears */
- title='GrabAddresses.rexx by Kai.Nikulainen@utu.fi'
- cho_txt='Do you want to'
- cho_but='_Save Address|_Write Mail|_Cancel'
- sel_txt='Select address to save in addressbook'
- sel_but='_Next Page|_Cancel'
- yn_but='_Yes, I certainly do!|_No, I do not!'
- error_txt='Could not write to file '
- addressbook='YAM:.addressbook'
- ignore='Received:' /* If the first word of the line is one of these, no
- addresses will be searched from that line */
- ac=0 /* address count */
- address 'YAM'
- 'GetFolderInfo Max'
- n=result
- do m=0 to n-1
- 'SetMail' m
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- call ScanFile(result)
- end /*do m=0 to n-1*/
- first=1
- do until sel=0
- body=ac 'addresses were found:'NL
- buttons=''
- i=first
- lab=0
- do while lab<9 & i<=ac
- body=body || i-first+1 || ') ' || name.i email.i || NL
- buttons=buttons'_'|| i-first+1 || '|'
- lab=i-first+1 /* last address button */
- i=i+1
- end /* do while */
- buttons=buttons || sel_but
- sel=rtezrequest(body,buttons,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=0 rt_pubscrname='scrn)
- if sel>0 then do
- if sel>lab then do
- first=first+lab
- if first>ac then first=1
- end /* if sel>lab then do */
- else do /* sel<=lab */
- j=first+sel-1
- cho=rtezrequest(cho_txt,cho_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=1 rt_pubscrname='scrn)
- if cho=0 then exit
- if cho=2 then do
- 'MailWrite'
- 'WriteMailTo' email.j
- exit
- end
- call AddToAddresbook(j)
- end /* else do */
- end /* if sel>0 then do */
- end /* do until sel=0 */
- exit
- AddToAddresbook:
- parse arg ind
- na=rtgetstring(name.ind' ',"Edit name",title,'_Ok|_Forget It!','',s1)
- if s1=0 then return
- ad=rtgetstring(email.ind,'Edit address for' na,title,,,se)
- if ad='' then return
- al=rtgetstring(alias.ind' ','Edit alias for' na 'at' ad,title,,'',s2)
- if s2=0 then return
- de=rtgetstring('Friend','Enter description for' na 'at' ad,title,,,s3)
- if s3=0 then return
- body='Do you want to add the following'NL'lines to' addressbook '?' NL NL
- body=body '@USER' al NL ad NL na NL de NL '@ENDUSER' NL NL
- body=body 'Remember to reload the addressbook after changes!'
- if rtezrequest(body,yn_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=0') then do
- if open(out,addressbook,'A') then do
- call writeln(out,'@USER' al)
- call writeln(out,ad)
- call writeln(out,na)
- call writeln(out,de)
- call writeln(out,'@ENDUSER')
- call close(out)
- end
- else
- call rtezrequest(error_txt addressbook,,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=0')
- end
- return
- ScanFile:
- parse arg fname
- if open(1,fname,'R') then do
- do until eof(1)
- rivi=translate(readln(1),' ',',<>()"~$;'||'09'x,' ')
- if pos('@',rivi)>0 & pos(word(rivi,1),ignore)=0 then do
- fn=''
- ln=''
- ad=''
- do w=1 to words(rivi)
- fn=ln
- ln=ad
- ad=word(rivi,w)
- if right(ad,1)=':' then ad=''
- if pos('@',ad)>0 & ad~='@' then call AddIt(ad fn ln)
- end /* do w=1 */
- end /* if pos */
- end /* do until eof(1) */
- call close(1)
- end /* if open(1, */
- return
- AddIt:
- parse arg addy etu suku
- k=1
- do while k<=ac
- if addy=email.k then return /* The address is already there, go home */
- k=k+1
- end
- ac=ac+1 /* Prepare to add new entry... */
- email.ac=strip(addy) /* address */
- name.ac=strip(etu suku) /* name */
- alias.ac=strip(etu) /* alias. First name should be reasonable default */
- return